Nicotine Spray Insecticide

Another frugal, vegetable plot tip for you.  If the insects are winning and your soap spray just isn’t strong enough to cope with a massive infestation why not try a nasty nicotine spray insecticide?  Smoking may be bad for us, but it can be even worse for insect pests in the garden.

Nicotine Spray Recipe

  • Boil 100 cigarette ends in 4 litres of water.
  • Strain and bottle.
  • Dilute with two parts water before spraying the solution on infected plants.

Nicotine spray is a very effective insecticide against many pests including weevils, caterpillars and leaf miners.  It is strong though so beware of using too liberally as it will endanger helpful predator insects too.

Do not use on any members of the tomato/potato family.  Tobacco is related and can pass on viral diseases to its relations.  Do not use on the edible parts of crops within one month of harvesting.

Remember this nicotine insecticide is not quite as green and eco as the soft soap sprays but it is a winner in the reuse, recycle and frugal categories!  As it is a poison keep it out of reach of children and wash well after using.  Warning’s aside it is not nearly as scary as the multi chemical recipes of most commercial insecticides and pesticides.

We only use this product as a last resort if the caterpillars have gotten the better of us.  It really is an emergency remedy.

Check out the links for Oil Fruit Tree Spray and Chill and Garlic Soap Insecticide recipes.

Or, for the lazybones; click to view the organic pesticide range at Amazon.

For a more self sufficient future

13 Responses to “Nicotine Spray Insecticide”

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  1. Bob Pickett says:

    100 cigarettes = 5 packs, each pack about 5 bucks (10 in NY)… $25!! Is there a weight of tobacco that can be determined so that tightwads like myself can buy the canned tobacco???

  2. Bob, it is not whole cigarettes, just the butts. This means it is only a minimal amount of Tobacco. It probably equates to less than one fifth of a whole cigarette. One packet or probably less is what you would need.

    Better yet, if you know someone who smokes, get them to save the Butts for you.

  3. Mrs. Dirty Boots,

    Can you cut the recipe by ratio? 25 butts to 1 liter?

    Will this work on striped cucmber beetles??


    The farmer’s wife …from a first year little farm!

  4. Dak says:

    Hey does it matter if they’re just the filter, or if I leave the little bit of tobacco thats there in there? I figure it would be more potent with the little end bits of tobacco….

    • Dak – bits of tobacco are a good thing when you’re boiling. But you’ll want to filter the nicotine spray so that it is easier to use.

  5. Mums Man says:

    What are the dangers from cancer when using Nicotine sprays ?

  6. Jean says:

    What about using unchewed chewing tobacco? What would the ratio be for using this to make a spray?

  7. Paul gibson says:

    The butts are better because the nicotine is concentrated in them through smoking. Chewing tobacco often has some sugar added to it which could attract the bugs. This might be a good thing if your solution is high enough to do the job. A lot of the carcinogens in tobacco are the tars and other added chemicals. The nicotine is a serious poison. Be careful with it.

  8. Andrew says:

    Do you think this nicotine spray might be effective in a battle against bedbugs ?