Green Energy from Insects – The Carnivorous Clock

Okay so killing insects is somewhat of an odd “green” thing.  But the other night we just wanted to zonk out in front of the TV.  An episode of “Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention” was on.  I have to admit I was pretty skeptical about stop motion animation trying to be educational. But I was wrong. We were shown an insect powered clock.  Now obviously clocks don’t use that much power.  But still seeing a very large fly paper feeding insects into something that is supposedly a battery was a little on the mind blowing side.  Not because we […]

Chest Freezer To Fridge Conversion-The Most Energy Efficient Fridge Ever

Read this and weep all you eco enthusiasts. Want to really be “green” and cut your power consumption massively? Then you need to think a little outside of the box and do something about that power hungry tall white box in the kitchen. Let the self sufficiency website be your guide for the day. This article will tell you how to drastically cut down on your daily electricity costs and how to convert a chest freezer in to a fridge. You won’t break the warranty, you don’t have to touch any of the inner workings of a freezer to turn […]

How to use energy efficient space heaters to save energy & money

This is a guest post from Jeff at who has many great ideas on products that will move you more to Self Sufficiency by being more energy conscious. After the recent record cold spells experienced by much of the United States, you may be dreading the arrival of the electric, gas or heating oil bill. Now’s the time to start planning to handle the next cold snap more efficiently and cost-effectively… and energy efficient space heaters might work well as a part of the plan. Now, you may be thinking “Aren’t space heaters energy-hogs?” In most cases, yes… and […]

What Is The Most Energy Efficient Laptop? Gateway NV7802U Reviews

Living off grid here on the side of Spanish mountain as we do energy consumption is always a concern. Now, before I start I will admit that I did not buy as energy efficient a laptop as I might have. We had to get one the other week because our “old faithful” of 5 plus years finally decided is was time to move on to the electronic graveyard. To be honest the logistics of getting mail shipped here is a nightmare. I have lost track of the amount of gifts and parcels that simply never turn up at our post […]

Which Solar BackPack To Buy? Solar Backpack Reviews

Here at A Self Sufficient Life we rely on solar power for all our day to day energy needs. After the initial set up power is harvested free of charge, a delightful way to make the most of a sunny (or indeed not so sunny) day.  But Solar Power and Solar Panels are not just for the Off Grid Living brigade. Everyone could (and indeed should) make use of the power of solar panels. Click the Links to View All Solar BackPacks & Solar Laptop Chargers Take a look at some of the great solar backpacks via the links above. […]

Cheap Solar Panels For Sale Online

Please read on for lots of information on cheap solar panels for sale and also my thoughts on the book that tells you how to make a solar panel at home for a low price. Below you will find some of the best priced solar panels online so be sure to take a look. Click any item to see the whole massive range available. Click to Check Out All Cheap Solar Panels for Sale 5 or so years ago when we bought our solar system there were not as many resources available to buy solar panels online. I did eventually […]

Outdoor Fire Pits – Gifts for Gardeners

We’re still talking Gift Ideas at A Self Sufficient Life, not that we’ve actually bought any yet, but the ‘Chrimbo Converstation’ continues.  What started out as Gifts for Gardeners as quickly become ‘Oooh one of those would be nice…’.  It’s due to a gift amnesty which has been in place for a few years I think.  Maybe, just maybe this year will be the one where we buy each other something – from a shop!  Not very self sufficient but quite exciting. My inner consumer is definitely coming out! Check out all the Great Fire Pits for Sale Here… Anyway, […]