Thankyou to the RSS Subscribers!

Well, Mr Dirty Boots and yours truly have been blogging this blog for just under two months and we’ve got just over fifty RSS Feed subscribers!  It feels like a little mini landmark for the site.

So to the RSS Feed Subscribers:  Yay – Thank-you for following!

Now if there is anything in particular you would like to see more of, on this ‘ere blog please let us know.  We enjoy the interaction and are happy to oblige if we can.

All you subscribers give yourself a little ‘whoop‘ and a clap, from us!  Many thanks – it really is a great encouragement.

Adios, as I’m off to plan a mini celebratory meal!

And if you’re not subscribing to the feed we still like you, because you’re here!  Thanks for visiting, to all our readers!

For a more self sufficient future

5 Responses to “Thankyou to the RSS Subscribers!”

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  1. mrbrownthumb says:

    Congrats on breaking 50 subscribers

    mrbrownthumb’s last blog post..Edible Gardening In 2009

  2. Thank you mrbrownthumb.

  3. leisa says:

    i’ve been enjoying it so far – very informative posts! Keep up the great work!

    leisa’s last blog post..twitter update

  4. Springtime says:

    Talking of your success… I’ve passed on the Kreativ Blogger Award to you!

    More info can be found on my post:


    p.s. I REALLY love your posts!

    Springtime’s last blog post..Grandma’s Recipes – Fish and Chips