Welcome to A Self Sufficient Life.
Four years ago we sold our house in the UK and bought a run down, derelict farmhouse in the Catalan countryside. Now, years later we have become quite self sufficient in many aspects of our life.
We grow a ton of vegetables, keep Chickens for eggs (as well as sporadically raising Chickens for meat), live completely off grid and live as frugally as possible.
Our lifestyle is “back to basics”. We have learnt a lot in the past four years and hopefully with this Blog we will be passing on a lot of the tips and tricks we have learnt over the years.
We will be covering many aspects of living a more Self Sufficient life.
From vegetable growing, Solar Panels, preserving food, Compost Heaps, Frugal Living, raising Chickens and more. Basically all aspects of living a more self sufficient life.
So, stick around and hopefully the tips we bring you will help in your quest to a more sustainable and self sufficient life.
For a more self sufficient future