This Sunday we were on a mission to get as much Fruit as we could for free. After our very successful day it got me to thinking. How can everyone, whatever the country they live in, get free Fruit? I will tell you about our day and it should answer that question in part. I will then give you some more ideas. Becoming more self sufficient is all about spending as little as you can and making the most of what you can get for little or no cost. The Fruit For Free Mission Our friends have a small Orange […]
Double Digging, You Know It Makes Sense!
Whether you are just about to start Growing Vegetables for the first time, or are making a new bed, or maybe want to get the best out of existing plots then as far as we are concerned Double Digging is the way to go. First a brief introduction: What is Double Digging? Double digging is different from the traditional way of digging over the ground in that, as the name suggests, you dig twice as deeply as normal. In traditional Vegetable Growing you normally dig to about a spades depth and turn over the soil. In Double Digging you will […]