We gardened before we’d heard of John Seymour but once we had got hold of a few of his books our gardening really took off.
He had small-holdings and lived a relatively self sufficient life with his family in Suffolk and then Wales for many years. In Wales he even created a school in the arts of self sufficiency. His books share some of his huge wealth of knowledge, personally gained and researched – he remained clued up on the cutting edge of self sustainability thinking.
Most importantly though he was an excellent teacher. I wish we’d had the chance to visit one of his classes but alas we make do with his words in written format. And, I have to say even in textbook form the man really manages to sing about his love of the self sufficient lifestyle. His books are really great motivators as well as instructors.

The (Slightly Tatty) Must Have Book
We’ve been prompted to build the cheapest chicken housing imaginable – pay for the screws and scavenge the rest! We’ve used his vast knowledge of vegetable gardening and preserving; sauerkraut anyone? Most of all, when the weather or your back is making you feel like a day taking it easy, his words encourage and tempt you back outside to find something useful to do.
I really cannot big John Seymour up enough. If there was only one gardening, self sufficiency style book I could keep with me forever it would be his Self Sufficient Gardener. Silly really because I’ve read it all over and over but it never fails to give me more information my brain has mislaid or simply encourage me to get on with things.
It doesn’t matter if you’re planning on turning your backyard into a vegetable plot, keeping some chickens or setting up your own small farm, he will have words of widom and encouragment for you.
So, if you only buy one book this year make it one of the late great John Seymours. Available via Amazon from the UK or US
For a more self sufficient future