Compost Toilet Month

Mr DirtyBoots is still AWOL at the moment.  He will be back  soon with lots of ideas to earn a living without ‘Working for the Man’.  In the meantime I’m butching up to bring you a serious on the humble (and not so humble compost toilet).

We have a fairly basic model constructed by himself years ago.  Initially our sawdust toilet was created through necessity rather than choice.  We had no running water so it seemed the sensible option for dealing with the DirtyBoots poo.  Now though, we are complete converts to the waterless toilet.  It is great not to be wasting all that water and even better, we no longer waste all the goodness contained in our humanure.

Squeamish regulars feel free to look away for I bring you Poo Month or slightly less graphically Compost Toilet Month.  The thing is, as happy as we are with our DIY Compost Toilet, I can’t help but wonder what else is out there in the world of the waterless toilet.

There are lots of different compost toilet systems around.  Ours is pretty hands on but in the future a less involved method of composting our toilet facilities may well be in order.  Whether that is a chute system or something rather more glamorous who knows.  And, I can fully understand why those of you living in less remote surroundings might be less thrilled to go traipsing around the garden with a bucket of your unmentionables headed for the compost heap (though I guess it would keep the neighbours entertained).

Composting toilets are now big business so I want to see what the future of our compost toilet looks like!

For a more self sufficient future

One Response to “Compost Toilet Month”

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  1. captain Chris says:

    Happily reassuring myself that we’re doing the right thing here on our campsite. We have sawdust toilets that are sometimes used by about 30 people over the weekend.I service them 3 times a day. Nobody has a problem and they call me the toilet angel.
    I make garden furniture and stuff from oak and Douglas fir so there are plenty of chips and sawdust. An old boy once told me that one reason
    they used oak stakes to fix joints etc. was that oak eats iron.
    So if it eats iron it can eat softer stuff.
    My toilet seats are made from 3 inch elm boards with matching lids.
    See you