I know, its a bit personal isn’t it? But if you’re trying to live a self sufficient life you don’t want to waste lots of money on commercial cleaners. And, if you’re trying to live a ‘greener’ more sustainable life you certainly do not want to use harsh chemicals if possible. Similarly, anyone with a bio-digester water treatment system knows that the addition of bleaches and similar products will stop the bacteria doing their magic on your waste. You can go out and buy commercial ‘green’ cleaning products but you don’t need to. We find them overpriced and never that […]
How do you Clean your Oven?
February in Casa Dirty Boots is ‘waste less food‘ and ‘spring clean‘ month. I’ve kept the ‘spring clean stuff’ a secret so far as the house really was a trifle messy for public view! I’m not one of nature’s domestic goddesses but every now and again I enjoy a big clean up and as its spring (sort of) I’m on a mission to make this place sparkle. A great way of incorporating a massive clean-up operation into daily life is to pick a month (you guessed it, mine is February) or indeed a week in which to zap the grime. […]