Make Some Real Compost

We have now been making compost for years, especially since we began a more self sufficient lifestlye. No fancy setup although I would still have a compost tumbler if we did not have such a large plot that we can use, with pretty much unlimited space. Many people come to this site looking for various snippets of wisdom about how to make compost, what to compost, can you put this, and can you put that on the compost heap. Here I would like to dispel a few myths about what exactly composts and how many people may be missing out […]

Make Compost From Your Kitchen

Part of any drive towards living a more self sufficient life involves trying to grow as much produce as possible. To this end we should all be composting as much as we possibly can. Compost works wonders for your soil, and the richer it is the more we can grow. But are you forgetting something? Every day many people who have a compost heap neglect a very important part of the composting bible – the Kitchen. The kitchen produces a vast amount of compostable material every day but it is all too easy to just throw scraps in the bin, […]

Compost – How to Compost

How to Have a Useful Compost Heap Lots of people wonder why their compost heap doesn’t do much or worse still turns to a pile of evil smelling slime.  Usually this is due to a lack of stuff , or a lack of variety of stuff  ending up on the compost heap. We need to add as much to our compost heaps as possible.  It means we get more benefit from a bigger heap of finished compost.  We also save time and money as we’re not sending so much stuff to landfill.  It’s our own waste so why not sort […]