Eco Wash Balls-An Eco Balls Review

In what now seems like the far distant past already, right at the start of this site I wrote about being left here up the Mountain for a while while Mrs. Dirty Boots went back to the UK for a bit. Having never taking much notice previously I was in charger of doing the Laundry. This involved the use of Eco Balls. There is now a wide range of different Eco Laundry Balls to choose from – click to see all brands. I wrote about how amazed and surprised I was by how efficient Eco Wash Balls were. For such […]

Tips For Traditional Cleaning Without Chemicals Green Cleaning Products

Traditional Cleaning Without Chemicals Trying to be self-sufficient? Frugal? Green?  Cheap? Save the Planet? Keep your pets or kids safe? Or do you just want less cleaning products taking up space in your cupboards or to use more green cleaning products? Want to find cool eco cleaning products like the goodbye detergent original spaghetti scrub? Here’s what you need to carry out most of the household cleaning. Casa Dirty Boots Eco Cleaning Products Microfibre cloths White vinegar Liquid or soft soap Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda or Soda Crystals) Salt Mild Liquid Detergent (Washing Up Liquid) Eco Wash Balls or […]

Soft Soap Recipe

The ultimate eco cleaner, green cleaner or just plain old cheap cleaner is soft soap.  Commercial liquid soap is just as good but much more expensive and often much less green and eco too as detergents tend to be added to commercial cleaning products. To achieve a more frugal and self sufficient cleaning regime you need to make your own soft soap so here’s how: Basic Soft Soap Recipe Grate a large bar of cheap vegetable based soap.  You can often find cheap vegetable soaps in the laundry section of grocery stores. Mix with four litres of water and simmer […]

Crease-free Laundry the Easy Way

This is either a post giving you the okay to be lazy OR it is a post about saving time, electricity and helping you be self sufficient, you decide. I have never liked to iron or press my laundry but I did always do it.   Until  that is, we ended up without any electricity for six months when we first  arrived here.  It turns out you can get perfectly smooth clothes and linen without the need to burn huge amounts of fossil fuel or giving over whole days to the task.  Simply follow these steps to a crease-free future: never […]

Eco Wash Balls, Even Men Can Use Them!

Not so long ago Mrs.Dirty Boots went back to the UK and left me all alone (boo hoo) to cope with the running of the place. It was, to say the least, quite a handful! What with the running of the house, the looking after Chickens, the endless walks that the Dogs need and the myriad other things that running a more self sufficient household entails. I, like most other Men, am more than capable of building houses, working out the complexities of building a staircase from scratch,re-roofing an entire cottage, installing satellites dishes and many other manly jobs. However, […]