Schug Chili Paste Recipe

This year in the Self Sufficient garden, we have had an extremely successful chili crop.  So successful in fact, that even my desire for all things Hot ‘n’ Spicy has been complete satiated. But I had never before made a Chili Paste preserve. I had nearly run out of things to do with them all.  We have a fair few ripe chillies, both large and small drying outside, and many (too many) jars of Pickled Chilies in the larder.  I felt like doing something different and found a truly Hot Chili Paste called Schug.  With a name like that how […]

Rainwater Harvesting Systems – Rain Barrels And More

Just the other day I wrote about our self sufficient philosophy and how water plays an important part in it. This article is going to very comprehensively give you the kick up the bum you need to start saving rainwater by using at the very minimum rain barrels if not a proper rainwater harvesting system. If you are reading this because you want to learn how to install a rainwater harvesting system or are wondering where to buy them then I will explain it all. One thing I will say before we get started is that if you want to […]

What Does Being Self Sufficient Mean?

I was talking about this with Mrs. Dirty Boots last night. What exactly does being self sufficient mean? I guess it means different things to different people. I would love for you to leave a comment after this post and let me know what it means to you. EDIT: Please note that this is a long post. I seem to have got a little carried away. I believe it IS important though. Please read it and leave a comment about how you feel about it. This article kind of sums up at least my attitude to the way we live […]

Outdoor Fire Pits – Gifts for Gardeners

We’re still talking Gift Ideas at A Self Sufficient Life, not that we’ve actually bought any yet, but the ‘Chrimbo Converstation’ continues.  What started out as Gifts for Gardeners as quickly become ‘Oooh one of those would be nice…’.  It’s due to a gift amnesty which has been in place for a few years I think.  Maybe, just maybe this year will be the one where we buy each other something – from a shop!  Not very self sufficient but quite exciting. My inner consumer is definitely coming out! Check out all the Great Fire Pits for Sale Here… Anyway, […]

Gifts for Gardeners – Kitchen Compost Pails: Compost Pails For Kitchens

Here at Dirty Boots HQ we try to be as Self Sufficient as possible.  Part of that frugal living is an abundance of jam giving at birthdays and Christmas.   Last night the ‘Chrimbo Conversation’ began and we decided to make a concerted effort to organise gift production and even a few gift purchases in plenty of time for the big day.  The ever spectacular Spanish postal service may well still ensure our family’s gifts arrive late but at least this year we will know we tried. Click to View the Compost Pails I’m Lusting After! As you can imagine we […]

Make Money Writing Online

Or, how to stop working for the man. How To Make Money  Writing Online Not so long ago I told you that, in an effort to be able to continue our self sufficient life I decided to see if I could learn how to make money online. We had no work and things were beginning to get very serious, money wise. We already had this blog but it was set up more as a fun project to do together, rather than as a money making exercise. Just as well really, as it makes nothing in terms of monetary value really. […]

Drastically Cut Electricity Costs

Well, it seems like I haven’t been here for ages. This is Mr. Dirty Boots in case you had forgotten about me. In an effort to ensure we can continue our self sufficient life on our mountainside I have been spending the last few months learning all there is to know about Internet marketing and making money via the Internet. Amazing what you can do with a laptop, a solar panel and a satellite Internet connection really. It has gone surprisingly well and I can see us being able to easily support our lifestyle whilst making money online via what […]